En cas de choc anaphylactique

What to do in case of anaphylactic shock?

Symptoms are itching, swelling of the eyelids, lips and oral mucosa, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, stomach pain, nausea and dizziness. Eventually, there may be a collapse, a loss of consciousness, with, in some cases, a fatal outcome.

If the victim is rescued by another person.

If someone goes into anaphylactic shock in your presence, you should help them immediately. Here's how.

If possible, stop the allergen intake immediately.

In case of insect bite: remove the stinger.

Regarding foodstuffs: do not swallow, do not continue to eat, spit, remove from mouth.

In the event of respiratory problems, nausea, itching, rapid swelling of the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet or even in the event of loss of consciousness: administer the ready-to-use adrenaline syringe if the person concerned the door on her. If the person has a B.CSA on them, inject the adrenaline laterally into the thigh and immediately press the B.CSA button until a little siren goes off which indicates that the 5 calls, the 5 sms alerts with the immediate sending of the GPS point and the satellite image are sent to the programmed numbers. If you have programmed 144 as your main number then you will have direct assistance 24 hours a day.

Administer emergency drugs: antihistamine, cortisone preparation (tablets, syrup, drops), emergency asthma spray. Check in the B.CSA.

Communicate with one of the 5 people who responded to the B.CSA's distress call.

Give him all the information about the situation if the injured person cannot do so. Follow the advice of the respondent, this person sees on his Smartphone the place where you are with the victim and can send you help, ambulance, doctor, etc.

If necessary arrange transport to the nearest hospital.

Unbutton clothes if they are tight or undress the person.

if the person is conscious, place them in a comfortable position.

In case of respiratory distress and risk of vomiting: upright sitting position. Otherwise: lay her flat on her back with her feet elevated.

If the person is unconscious, place them in a stable position on the side, with the upper leg bent, the mouth slightly open and the head slightly turned down so that they do not risk choking if they vomit. Stabilize the body with the arms.

Take care of the person and stay close to them. Make sure the alarm has been given.


112 is the valid call number in Europe for all emergency services. Put into service in Switzerland in 1998, it can be used today throughout the country alongside the number 144 for timely access to emergency services. In Europe, new technologies are constantly being integrated into the number 112. The eCall project launched by the EU and which is also based on this number should make it possible to introduce an automatic emergency call system based on GPS.

What to do in case of anaphylactic shock? - It's a question of health - Extract - S01E02

Therapeutic strategy

Adrenaline is the drug of choice in the treatment of symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock can be caused in particular by the ingestion of peanuts or other foods, by a drug, an insect bite or sting, or by contact with any other allergen. It can also be brought on by physical exercise, or be idiopathic, with no known cause. One of the characteristics of anaphylactic shock is its rapid reversibility if the treatment is started early and at the right doses. All people with a history of anaphylactic shock or a significant risk on atopic ground should be provided with an adrenaline auto-injector system which is in the B.CSA box with antihistamine drugs.

It is important to activate the emergency call button to alert family, loved ones, the ambulance, every minute counts. If you find yourself alone on a hike, B.CSA geolocates you and sends by text message to the pre-programmed numbers, a distress text message with the exact coordinates. B.CSA keeps calling. When telephone contact is established, you can speak with the emergency services and inform them of your condition. The call center follows you and speaks with you, the ambulance can follow in real time through dialogue.